After so long, yesterday I dreamt about you. Probably because I realise I forgot to put Mimi in the box, and I have to send it to you today.
I Dreamt that you have a twin. And he loves me more than you do, he knows how to take good care of me and loves me better than you do. Woke up finds that it is just a dream makes me disappointed.
Drove all the way to your office. I thought I will see you for the one last time. Ha. You went holiday with that girl. Oh wells, why should I have that excitement of seeing you? I should just leave you behind and go on with my life. Probably God plan it this way. He knows if I saw you I will never let you go. So He made it this way.
Good for me, good for us. All the best to you Kah Weng. This round, really a good bye. Thanks for the past years. I will love myself more from now.
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