Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Day 80 without Chong Kah Weng

Today felt a lil discourage. I'm stress... I was given a birthday party to handle. I ought to handle all the design.. feel likes my brains is stuck. I thought I don't have much things to design, but when I make a list, I realized I got a lot more to design and the event is on Sunday. It's only a few more days to event. I need to print out things and do packing, I wondered if have enough time for that. I'm worried, I scared I cannot finished all the design.

God, help me, give me your creativity to do designs. Pray that You guide me in my work... pray that I will be able to draw creativity from You. 

It's been a week since you last text me.. I know you ignore me because you want me to forget you.. I won't give up on you. Now I will work on myself, make myself a better person. I hope you too, make yourself a better person. I hope that I still have qualities that attract you. We give each other some times ok? 

I will continue to keep you in prayer.. I pray that God will heal our broken relationship. I believe He will make you and I a better person. In Jesus name, Amen.